It usually contains an image with text. The text usually contains the film title in large lettering and often the names of the main actors. It may also include a tag line, the name of the director, names of characters, the release date, etc
Film posters are displayed inside and on the outside of movie theaters, and elsewhere on the street or in shops. The place in which the film poster is placed and the size of the poster key to the promotion of the film an example of this is when a poster is in a hotspot like central London will get noticed more than a poster on a street in Ruislip. This is the same with size if a poster is a billboard size it will be noticed a lot more than a small A4 poster. Aposter could also appear in a film exhibitor's pressbook and may also be used on websites, DVD-packaging, flyers, advertisements in newspapers and magazines, etcOne other, purpose of a film poster is that it give the viewer a first glance indication of the genre/’s of a film. From the first glance people take by looking at images, text, text style of text, colour and the stars it can give the viewer an idea of the type of genre the film is. The purpose of a poster can also be to promote a star this can be as basic as a large image of a star and then the actor’s name.
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