Film Synopsis + Commentary

Billy, an average 17-year-old boy who goes college, is being menaced by another youth, jack another young person who lives on the same road as him. Jack is the same age as Billy, is not in education and does not work.

Billy’s next choice has a dramatic affect on his life, when the following morning after a confrontation with Jack, Billy considers taking a knife for protection incase he encounters Jack again after school that day.

The film explores by showing the consequences of the two different options available to him: To carry a knife, or leave it behind. The film explores this choice in an experimental way, through the use of animation and video footage.

Synopsis Commentary

Myself and my group decided on the plot outlined in the Synopsis above, as when we going over our research and brainstorming ideas, we believed this was the best one as it met all the criteria we decided our short film would have.

Firstly in terms of purpose, our group decidsed our primary purpose of our short film would be to allow us to experiment with new ideas and techniques that we feel we would not be able to do in a feature-length film . We have met this as although it is not clear from the script or Synopsis Act 3 is will be entirely animated (except for Scene 10) and we have never atempted to mix video-footage and animated footage together. One of the reasons we have atempted to do this is because when we were playing our short filmw we knew we had very limited resources, and so the idea of animation intrested us, as it would allow us to have certain elemnts in out film, that we would otherwise not have been able to have. An example of this would be an explosion, although our short film does not have an explosion, but animation allowed us to have the option of incorporating an explosion into our film, somthing which we would not have the resources to do if we only had video footage.

Secondly we was also open to the possibility of having a message in our film, as some short films may an excellent use of this, and so we was also open to the possibility of our film having educational purposes. But this was a secondary purpose and would only attempt to incorporate educational elements if we believed our themes would allow it and it would have a positive effect on the film. So once we decided to have youth knife crime as our theme the educational implications were obvious and so we have incorporated education into the purpose of our short film.

Also to note; our short film also had to either be filmed in a particuarly British style, or incorporate British themes. As we mix animation and video-footage we do not believe we our film we be particuarly british in filming style. However our film does have social realism elements which a very British filming style, and the animated elements could be argued to be surealist, somthing which many British films do make use of, e.g. Trainspoting; one of the most successful British films of the 90's.
But more importantly as our theme is youth and knife crime, our film does incorporate British Themes, as in modern Britain youth and knife crime is a major factor of life and so has become a British theme.

Thus overall our short film (shown through the synopsis) has met task we were given to produce a short film film, filmed in a particuarly British style or incorporates British themes, as it meets both tasks. But also fulfills the experimental and educational purpose we decided our short film would have. And finaly does meet our intended audience as

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